Call for Abstracts
I-CiTies 2022 - 8th Annual Conference on ICT for Smart Cities & Communities
Conference topics
A smart city is a vision where key ICT technologies are seamlessly integrated to meet the real and priority needs of its population by enhancing the quality of the urban services while lowering overall costs. The offered services have to be context-dependent and have to be designed in accordance with the specific objectives of the city for which they are intended. Smart city solutions have to be multi-disciplinary, blending together socio, cultural, and technical aspects altogether.
The conference, at its eighth edition, is an opportunity for people from academia, industries, and public institutions to meet and define new collaborations in the perspective of forthcoming national or international project calls. In this respect, it is not intended to only disseminate theoretical scientific activities. Instead, its main goal is to present available innovative solutions and active research projects, as well as novel ideas for new proposals and collaboration.
We expect contributions in all the fields related to ICT-based solutions for smart cities and communities.
Potential topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following application domains:
- Civic Engagement
- Climate & Environment Management
- Context & Situation Awareness
- Cultural Heritage & IoT
- Digital Humanities
- E-Culture
- E-Education
- E-Government & Finance
- E-Health & Well-Being
- E-Inclusion
- E-Tourism
- Food & Agriculture
- Mobility, Transportation & Logistics
- Sentiment Analysis & Affective Computing
- Smart Building & Infrastructure
- Smart Energy, Water & Waste
- Smart Mobility
- Smart Vehicles
- Walkability
- Urban Security
For additional information related to specific ICT topics, see the focus groups pages of the National Lab on Smart Cities and Communities:
Important Dates
Submission deadline:
June 10, 2022
June 20, 2022
June 24, 2022
July 8, 2022
Early Registration:
July 5, 2022
July 15, 2022
Submissions Instructions
Potential contributors are requested to send an extended abstract that briefly describes the project, or project idea, to be presented. Both active and recently terminated projects can be considered. Novel ideas for new project proposals are also welcome. Extended abstracts must be submitted in PDF, following the IEEE template available at, and must not exceed 2 pages in size. Submission is through EasyChair: When submitting, you are requested to select which of the conference tracks better fits your contribution. Submitted extended abstract will undergo a review process to check their relevance to the conference. The submission of a contribution implies that, if accepted for presentation, at least one of its proponents must register (paying the requested fee) and attend the conference for giving the presentation.